
User Guide - Defining Routes

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  • Defining Routes

    Sprinkles’s routes are defined in the rules section in the project.yml project configuration file. Routing rules are tried in order, until one of them matches.

    The following properties of a routing rule can be used to define a route’s behavior:

    Here is an excerpt from the rules section of this website’s project.yml:

    - # The overview page. Because it is the most prominent landing page, it is
      # structured differently, so we can prioritize a good first impression over
      # putting more information in the page.
      # The pattern matches only the site root (/), and we load an `overview.yml`
      # file that tells the overview template which blocks to show below the top
      # content.
      pattern: '/'
        overview: 'file://./data/overview.yml'
        page: 'file://./data/pages/overview.markdown'
      template: 'overview.html'
    - # We have some images that are referenced from page content; we put them in
      # `/img/`, but unlike pages, we want them to be served as static files, so
      # they get a rule for themselves.
      pattern: '/img/{{file:**}}' # match every route that starts with `/img/`
        # Append the matched filename to the /img/ root directory.
        file: 'file://./data/img/{{file}}'
      # Serve this as a static file, no template.
      static: true
    - # The "User Guide" section is also special, because it has a Table Of
      # Contents on every page, and the pages themselves have numbers prefixed so
      # that ordering them by filename gives us the right ordering for the TOC. We
      # don't want the numbering to appear in links / URLs though, so there's a bit
      # of magic added to make that possible.
      # The guide's index page is simple:
      pattern: '/guide'
          type: file
          # The 'fetch: all' property makes it so that we get a list of all the
          # matching files rather than just one file.
          fetch: all
          path: './data/pages/guide/*.markdown'
      template: 'guide.html'
    - # Then we have a rule that captures URLs that *do* have a three-digit number
      # prefix; we use a regular expression for that.
      pattern: '/guide/{{page:/^[0-9]{3}-.*$/}}'
        page: 'file://./data/pages/guide/{{page}}.*'
          type: file
          fetch: all
          path: './data/pages/guide/*.markdown'
      template: 'guide.html'
    - # This rule matches all the /guide/... URLs that don't start with a numeric
      # prefix.
      pattern: '/guide/{{page:*}}'
        page: 'file://./data/pages/guide/*-{{page}}.*'
          type: file
          fetch: all
          path: './data/pages/guide/*.markdown'
      template: 'guide.html'
    - # These are our regular static files (CSS, style images, JavaScript...)
      pattern: '/static/{{file:**}}'
        file: 'file://./static/{{file}}'
      static: true
    - # Anything not matched by the above is a regular page:
      pattern: '/{{page:*}}'
        page: 'file://./data/pages/{{page}}.*'
        - 'page'
      template: 'page.html'


    As you’ve seen above, route patterns form a minilanguage. Intuitively, a pattern looks exactly like the local part of a URL (including the leading slash), e.g. /foo/bar?item=21. On top of that, however, we can have dynamic parts to match on variable URLs. Dynamic matchers come between double curly braces (similar to template interpolations, although their purpose is reversed), e.g.: /foo/{{*}}?item=21. Between the curly braces, we have:

    For example, /{{letters:/^[a-z]$/*}} means "match many path elements that are exactly one letter long, and capture that path under the variable letters. This pattern would match, for example, /a/f/g/a/i/k, /z, /p/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a, but not /a/b/cd/e.

    Data Backends

    The data property defines data to be loaded from backends. Each key in this dictionary defines one variable that is passed to the template, and tells sprinkles what to load. Most of the fields in the data section are passed through Ginger, with the captured variables from the route pattern available for interpolation. This means that you can inject captured variables into data source definitions using {{ varname }}, but in fact the entire Ginger language is available to you.

    See the Data Backends section for a list of available backends and how to define them.